Therapy Services

Overcoming Learning, Fluency and Comprehensive Difficulties

Children and adults who struggle with reading fluency, comprehension or written expression can benefit from our programs. Whether you have a dyslexia, dysgraphia or written expression disorder diagnosis, or suspect a possible learning disability, we can help.

Follow the statement that addresses your specific need:

My child is diagnosed with dyslexia or a learning disability in readingĀ (learn more)

My child struggles with fluency and/or comprehension and is NOT diagnosed with dyslexia (learn more)

My child is suspected of having dyslexia or struggles with pre-reading and reading skills (learn more)

My child is diagnosed with dysgraphia or written expression disorders or struggles with writing (learn more)

My child struggles with reading and hates to read (learn more)

My child is diagnosed with a spelling disability or struggles with individual word spelling (learn more)